MSE - Special Education
Instructional Specialist K-12
(Available beginning Fall 2015)
The online Master of Science in Education Degree with a Major in Special Education- Instructional Specialist Grades K-12 is a 36 hour program.
Program of Study
ELSE 6053 Educational Procedures for Individuals with Mild Disabilities
ELSE 5043 Educational Diagnosis and Assessment in Special Education
ELFN 6763 Philosophies of Education
ELSE 6013 Contemporary Issues in Special Education
ELSE 5083 Collaboration for Special Education Service Delivery
ELSE 6073 Educational Procedures for Individuals with Moderate-Profound Disabilities
ELFN 6773 Introduction to Statistics and Research
ELAD 6423 Special Education Law
ELSE 6183 Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
ELSE 6193 Special Education Laboratory Experiences
ELSE 6163 Positive Behavior Support & Intervention
ELSE 6023 Characteristics of Individuals with Disabilities
• Students who adhere to the schedule should be able to complete the program in 24 months. If a candidate finds it necessary to deviate from the schedule, he/she will be able to re-enter the sequence at any time. A candidate has six years to complete the degree.
Admission Requirements
Students seeking admission into the Master of Science in Education degree program in Special Education-Instructional Specialist Grades K-12 must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate School and the specific program requirements as follows:
• Hold a valid teaching license.
• Achieved a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 2.75 (on a 4.00 scale) or a 3.00 GPA on the last 60 hours. Any courses attempted, including any repeated courses, are considered in computing the GPA.
• Have a written commitment from a practitioner who will function as your mentor during the program.
• No felony record
• ASU-Jonesboro will be using Blackboard as the web delivery platform. This platform allows synchronous and asynchronous interactions, streaming video, and electronic discussion boards. Students will also interact via e-mail, telephone, and fax.
• A high-speed internet connection (Ethernet, cable, DSL, public wireless hotspot, satellite, etc) will be necessary. Dial-up will not work. Computers must have specific minimum requirements. For example, they must have a Windows XP or later operating system; any processor of 1.2GHZ or faster; minimum RAM of 512MB for XP or 1GB for Vista; minimum of 20GB available free disk space; minimum display resolution of 1024x768.
• The capstone experience serves as the comprehensive examination for the degree.
• All students must complete a portfolio that is a culmination of authentic performance-based assessments completed throughout the program.