Ed.S. - Superintendent Track
Admission Requirements
To be considered for the Specialist Degree - Superintendency track, each candidate must have, in addition to the admission requirements of the Graduate School, the following:
1. At least a 3.25 GPA in a master's degree from an accredited institution and program.
2. Three years of experience as a certified teacher in an educational institution, plus one year employment under a license as a building administrator (principal, curriculum director, etc.)
3. A current state-issued teaching license.
4. A written commitment from a practicing central office administrator who will serve as a mentor during this program.
5. No felony record.
Program Of Study
ELAD 7013 School Personnel Administration
ELAD 7023 School Business Management
ELAD 7033 Contemporary Issues
ELAD 7043 Management of Operational Systems for Learning
ELAD 7073 Schooling in a Pluralistic Society
ELAD 7103 School District Administration
ELCI 7523 Curriculum Theory and Practice
ELFN 7583 Evaluation of Educational Programs and System
ELAD 7473 Field Study
ELAD 7493 Supervised Internship
(The internship must be completed during the semester in which a candidate completes the degree.)
Total Required Hours: 30
Each candidate is required to compile a portfolio while completing the degree. This portfolio constitutes the exit assessment. All candidates for the Ed.S. degree in Educational Leadership seeking district administrator licensure must have a standard building-level administrator license or a standard program administrator and must pass the appropriate examination (s) required by the state(s) in which licensure is sought. A copy of the scores should be sent to Arkansas State University.
• Students who adhere to the schedule should be able to complete the program in 24 months. If a candidate finds it necessary to deviate from the schedule, he/she will be able to re-enter the sequence at any time. A student has six years to complete the degree.
• ASU-Jonesboro will be using Blackboard as the web delivery platform. This platform allows synchronous and asynchronous interactions, streaming video, and electronic discussion boards. Students will also interact via e-mail, telephone, and fax.
• A high-speed internet connection (Ethernet, cable, DSL, public wireless hotspot, satellite, etc) will be necessary. Dial-up will not work. Computers must have specific minimum requirements. For example, they must have a Windows XP or later operating system; any processor of 1.2GHZ or faster; minimum RAM of 512MB for XP or 1GB for Vista; minimum of 20GB available free disk space; minimum display resolution of 1024x768.
• The capstone experience serves as the comprehensive examination for the degree.
• All students must complete a portfolio that is a culmination of authentic performance-based assessments completed throughout the program